UMRAH 2024

Join us as we journey together to the most blessed lands of Makkah and Madinah, completing the rites of Umrah, cleansing our souls of accumulated sins and nourishing our hearts with heightened faith. If you’re after an enjoyable, faith- elevating, inspiration-filled trip that promises to deliver an unmatched Umrah experience then choose one of our exclusive packages below:

There is nothing more satisfying than making a plan for Umrah. And if you are currently planning to go for this mini-Islamic pilgrimage, may all your plans get successful by the will of Allah. However, the thought of doing all the rituals correctly can be nerve-wracking, especially when it’s your first time.  Don’t worry, we all have been there. The only thing that can calm your nerves during this exciting and anxious time is a lot of preparation. Here is a complete, one-stop guide to Umrah for you, so you can get all the guidance before visiting the sacred home of Allah.

About Umrah

Umrah, also known as mini-pilgrimage, is a shorter version of Hajj. It is an Islamic practice for Muslims all across the world where they come together to visit the sacred Ka’ba. The intention of Muslims to opt for Umrah is to seek forgiveness for their past sins and refresh their faith in Allah Almighty.

Types of Umrah

Typically, the Umrah Pilgrimage is divided into two types, Umra Al Tammatu and Umra Al Mufraddah. Though the purpose of Umrah is the same, which is closeness to Allah and repentance of sins, the procedure and timing vary. Here is how you can perform each of these Umrahs, based on your suitability.

Umrah Al Mufradah is also known as the independent Umrah and can be performed in any month, except at the time of Hajj. Among Muslims, Rajab is considered the best month for Umrah Al Mufradah. Here are some key highlights of this Umrah.

  • This Umrah is not performed in groups. And it is usually performed by individuals independently. 
  • It is permissible for Muslims to perform this Umrah in the month of Zil Hajj, before performing the Umrah Al Tammatu, which is the 8th of Zil Hajj. 
  • This Umrah cannot be performed twice in one month. Hence, it is advised to always have a gap between this Umrah (though there is no gap specified). 
  • This Umrah can be performed on behalf of a loved one, who is dead. This type of Umrah will be known as Umrah Badal. 
  • There are a total of seven rituals in this Umrah. 

Umrah Al Tammatu

This type of Umrah is often accompanied by Hajj, and it is performed in the Zill Hajj month of the Islamic calendar. Part of the reason why this Umrah is preferred is because Muslims find it convenient to do the Umrah and Hajj at the same time. Here are some key highlights of Umrah Al Tammatu.

  • It can only be performed during Zil Hajj.   
  • The rules of this Umrah are combined with Hajj guidelines. 
  • People living in Makkah are not required to perform this Umrah. 
  • Muslims performing this Umrah are not allowed to leave Makkah before the completion of Hajj. 
  • The rituals of this type of Umrah are the same as that of other types.
  • It is mandatory for Muslim men to perform the Halq, as it is a ritual of Hajj. 

Conditions for Umrah

To be eligible for Umrah, you must fulfill some basic conditions. These conditions are similar to that of Hajj and are applicable to the majority of Muslims across the globe. Here is a list of all prerequisites set by authorities at the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah in Saudi Arabia you need to have to perform Umrah.

  • The person performing the Umrah must be Muslim. And he/ she should be at the age where they have reached puberty. In simple terms, they must be a Baligh to perform Umrah. 
  • The Muslim performing this mini-pilgrimage must have a sane mind and body. 
  • They must be financially able to bear the expenses of the trip. If anyone is not financially capable to facilitate their finances during the Umrah, it is not mandatory for them to do this pilgrimage. 
  • The person must be able to perform all the duties easily. For instance, if they are disabled and don’t feel able because of any illness or temporary disease, they are restricted from performing Umrah. 
  • If the person performing Umrah is a woman, they must be accompanied by a Mahram. Similarly, women applying for Umrah must be free from their Iddah period. 

Performing Umrah or Lesser Pilgrimage is not challenging, and anyone can do it as long as he/ she is aware of the right step. Many people opt to perform the Umrah multiple times, even on a one-time trip to Saudi Arabia. Here is a complete breakdown of how to perform Umrah, so dive right in for more.

Stage 1: Ihram

Entering the state of Ihram is the first step in performing the Umrah. It refers to taking a bath and changing your garments before you enter meeqat. Meeqat is an official boundary line at which all the people are supposed to be in the state of Ihram. 

Conditions for Ihram

Ihram holds a significant value in the Umrah and the process is not complete without this. Here is a detailed description of what it is and what it signifies.

  • Before the men wear the Ihram, they must have their nails trimmed, and unwanted hair from the armpits, navel, and mustache removed. 
  • They are required to perform Ghusl (also known as a bath) before wearing this garment. Or, they can do the Wudhu (also known as ablution) at the very least. 
  • It is required for men to change their clothes into the Ihram before they enter Meeqat. For women, they can change into any piece of modest clothing, which fully covers them. Some airlines will advise you to put on the Ihram before they depart from the airport. 
  • After they have gotten themselves in the appropriate clothing, it is mandatory for both men and women to perform two rakats of Salah. In the first Rakah, they are required to recite Surah Ikhlas and Surah Kafirun in the second rakat, after Surah Fatiha. Finally, make a Dua after you have completed the salah. 
  • This is the step where you have to make the Niyyah (verbal intention) for Umrah. This is especially done in the airplane. You are also required to remove or discard anything that violates the conditions of Ihram. Though it will likely be announced on the airplane, it is preferred that you express the verbal intention for Umrah. 
  • After this, all the people on the plane are supposed to recite the Talbiyah. This goes like, “At Your Service, Allah, At Your Service, At Your Service. You Have No Partner, At Your Service, Truly All Praise, Favor and Sovereignty is Yours, You Have No Partner.” 
  • Please note that the men are supposed to say this Talbiyah out loud in a rhythm, whereas, women, it is advised to recite it quietly. 
  • Next, all the people are expected to proceed towards Makkah while they are reciting the Talbiyah and Zikr. 
  • After this, they enter the Bab al-Salam of the Masjid-ul-Haram with their right foot first. At this point, they will recite the prayer for entering the mosque. 
  • Once they have reached the Kaaba, they will keep their gaze low until they get a view of the Kaaba. After seeing it, they will recite Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La Ilaha Illallah”, three times. Finally, they will raise their hands to make Dua and send Salam to the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). 

Stage 2: Tawaf

The second stage of the Umrah is Tawaf, also known as Tawaf-Ul-Umrah. It refers to all the people encircling the Kaaba seven times in an anticlockwise direction, from the Hijra aswad and make Dua. Although there are five types of Tawaf originally, I will talk about Tawaf-ul-Umrah

  • The first step to performing the Tawaf is preparing yourself and discarding any minor impurities on you. For instance, if your Wudu breaks while doing the Tawaf at any point, you are required to do it again. For the most part, you will be clean already, given that you have performed the first step thoroughly. 
  • So, once you are done preparing for the tawaf, the journey starts from Hajar Al Aswad, also known as Black Stone. The green light on the wall is the starting point of your Tawaaf. 
  • The next step is to make Niyyah or verbal Intention of the Tawaf-ul-Umrah. For this, all the people will recite,Oh Allah, I intend to perform the Tawaf of this sacred mosque, please accept it and make it easy for me.” 
  • After this, you are expected to do the Istilam, which refers to kissing and touching the sacred stone of Hajar Al Aswad. This is preferred among Muslims and is only ordered if they can reach it. If you find it impossible to reach the Black Stone, make a gesture towards it, raise your hands, and recite Bismi Llahi Wallahu Akbar”.  
  • Now, complete a circle of the Tawaf. And make sure that the Kaaba is on your left side while you are doing the circle in an anti-clockwise direction. 
  • While doing the Tawaf, both men and women are required to walk in an appropriate manner. For men, it is ideal to walk in a brisk manner with these chests sticking out. This type of walk is also known as Ramlk. For women, it is advised to walk in an appropriate manner, with everything properly covered. 
  • During all seven rounds, the men and women may recite verses of the Quran, send Salam to the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), and make Dua. 
  • Most people recite these verses, especially when you are between the Rukh al-Yamani and Hajar Al Aswad. “Oh our Lord, grant us all the good in the world, the good in the Hereafter, and save us from Hell fire punishment”
  • Once you reach Hajar Al Aswad again, it counts as one round. After this, start the second round by saying Allahu Akbar. And this way, complete all seven rounds at the same time. 
  • Overall, it will count seven Islands of one Tawaf. Finally, men are supposed to cover their right shoulder with the Ihram. 
  • The next step is to perform the Tawaf Salah. Just as you did previously, stand for two Rakahs and recite Surah Kafirun in the first Rakah and Surah Ikhlas in the second Rakah, after Surah Fatiha. 
  • Most people prefer performing this salah at Maqam e Ibrahimi where you end the seven rounds, as it marks the center between you and the Kaaba. 
  • Now, head to the Zamzam well and drink the Zamzam water from here. It is believed that Duaas made at this point are accepted immediately. This is why you will see many people making duas. 

Stage 3: Sa’ee

The third stage of Umrah is Sa’ee. It refers to the walk people make between the Mountains of Safa and Marwa seven times. During this walk, they also made Dua and recited some verses. Here is a complete breakdown of the Sa’ee of Safa and Marwa.

  • Please note that before you start Sa’ee, it is expected of you to make Istilam for the ninth time. 
  • Sa’ee Process
  • Start your journey from Mount Safa and make a Niyyah here. You just have to express verbal intention to start the Sa’ee in your own words. 
  • After this, you face the Kaaba and recite Takbeer and Tehlil, as Allahu Akbar and La Illaha Illa Allah respectively. You may also send Salam to Prophet P.B.U.H and make Dua. 
  • Now, you make your way to Mount Marwa. At this point, you will see green lights. Between these green lights, men are advised to increase the pace at which they are walking, while women are expected to maintain their regular pace. And while you are walking, make sure to recite some verses of your choice. 
  • Though there is no exact dua for this journey, most people prefer reading the following, “Indeed, Mount Safa and Mount Marwa are the signs from Allah”, “I start this journey with the name of Allah”, “Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, and all praises are to be with Allah”.
  • Once you reach Mount Marwa, make Dua, as this marks your one lap between the two mountains. 
  • Again, make your way to the Safa and to the Marwa and do this until you complete all seven laps. In the end, you will be standing at Marwa. 
  • After these laps are complete, perform two Rakats, as you did previously at the end of each stage. You may offer this prayer at the Mosque. 

Stage 4: Taqsir

Finally, after completing Sa’ee, you have reached the last part of your Umrah, which is known as Taqsir for women or Halq for women. This stage marks the ending of Ihram, where all the men are expected to shave their heads. For women, they are required to shorten their hair.

Taqsir/ Halq Process

  • Once you are done with the Salah of Sa’ee, exit the mosque with your left foot out first. Make sure to recite some verses while you are leaving the mosque. 
  • The next step is to find yourself a barbershop. There are multiple shops out there and you just have to choose one. Ask them to shave or trim your hair (at least an inch). 
  • If you do not have any hair, run a razor over the head to complete the exit of Ihram. There is no compulsion as to who will cut your hair and you can always shave your head yourself according to the convenience.
  • Do consider that women are not allowed to perform Halq, which means shaving their heads. They only have to trim their hand to an appropriate length (which is usually the length of a fingertip), regardless of how short their hair is. 
  • Congratulations, you have successfully ended the Ihram and completed the Umrah. You may change your clothes regularly. 

How to Perform Umrah for Ladies?

Like men, women from all over the world perform Umrah throughout the year. That said, there are some guidelines for women, different from men, which they must be mindful of during this Ibadat. Here is a list of these conditions that must be fulfilled by females opting for Umrah.

  • Women are restricted to complete their Umrah in the presence of a Mehram. Mehram is any man who has direct relations with the woman after marriage, either by blood or by breastfeeding. 
  • Like men, women are required to clean themselves before getting themselves into Ihram. 
  • The Ihram is different for women and refers to any piece of clothing that covers them properly. 
  • Unlike men, women are expected to walk at a normal slow pace while doing the Tawaf and the seven laps of Sa’ee.
  • Women are advised to gather at Masjid Al Haram to exit the Ihram. From there, they are required to go to Mina to perform Taqsir, which is trimming the hair.  


Many people perform Umrah multiple times and there is no restriction. Likewise, Muslims can also complete their Umrah on behalf of their loved ones, who are no more in the world.

Well, there is no specific time set for doing Umrah and it all comes down to the crowd that is present in Mecca at the time. Likewise, it depends on the weather, the atmosphere, and the pace of rituals you are following. Do consider that Umrah can get stretched easily when there is a bigger crowd.

No, there is no need for women to go through Halq, often known as shaving their heads at the end of Umrah rituals. It is for men. And for women, it is advised to do Taqsir instead, which means trimming their hair to at least the length of a fingernail.

Niyyah is the verbal affirmation of the intention of you doing the Umrah. Muslims are required to make this Niyyah before they enter the Meeqat, which is usually when they are present in the airplane. You can make the simplest Niyyah by saying, “Oh Allah, I am here to perform the Umrah”, and it is followed by the Takbeer, which is Allahu Akbar.

Yes, the majority of Muslims opt for an independent Umrah on an individual basis. It is known as Umrah Al Mufradah, which is a voluntary mini-pilgrimage and can be performed any time of the year, except Hajj. This Umrah is not performed in groups, and most people independently complete the rituals of this Umrah.

Final Thoughts
In the end, I hope you are now clear on what to do and what not to do during your Umrah trip. May the experience bring reward to you and help you refresh your faith in the Almighty. But before you go there, make sure to discuss all the finances and accommodation places with the agent to avoid any miscommunication.